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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Hooverfield - ECPv6.10.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Hooverfield X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Hooverfield REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:UTC DTSTART:20160101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161229 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20161231 DTSTAMP:20250312T190454 CREATED:20161202T011515Z LAST-MODIFIED:20161202T011515Z SUMMARY:JUST BLOCK IT CATCHERS CAMP - YOUTH BASEBALL DESCRIPTION:The Johnny Bench Award was created in 2000 to honor college baseball’s top division one catcher. The award is administered by the Greater Wichita Area Sports Commission and presented after the conclusion of the College World Series. Former Cincinnati catcher Johnny Bench\, who by some is considered to be the best defensive catcher in baseball history\, agreed to be the namesake for the annual award. \nCoach Gehrer and his Just Block It staff host the annual catchers clinic held in conjunction with the award. The three finalist\, their coaches and the JBI staff work with over 100 campers each year. \nJust Block It was founded in 1985 and has helped thousands of catchers. \nYouth Baseball 9-14 – $195\nDec 29-30\nCheck-In Thursday 8:30am\nCamp Thursday & Friday 9-Noon \nRegister at \nFeatured camp instructors include: Mike Gehrer\, Founder Just Block It Craig Mayes\, Michigan State\, All Big Ten \nJust Block it is proud to announce that Mike Viramontez\, the Oklahoma State Softball catching coach\, will be working the Wichita Camps. We look forward to seeing you over the Christmas break. URL: LOCATION:Hoover Field\, 2250 N Hoover Rd\, Wichita\, KS\, 67205\, United States CATEGORIES:Camps END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20161228T123000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20161228T170000 DTSTAMP:20250312T190454 CREATED:20161202T010705Z LAST-MODIFIED:20161202T011847Z SUMMARY:JUST BLOCK IT CATCHERS CAMP - HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL DESCRIPTION:The Johnny Bench Award was created in 2000 to honor college baseball’s top division one catcher. The award is administered by the Greater Wichita Area Sports Commission and presented after the conclusion of the College World Series. Former Cincinnati catcher Johnny Bench\, who by some is considered to be the best defensive catcher in baseball history\, agreed to be the namesake for the annual award. \nCoach Gehrer and his Just Block It staff host the annual catchers clinic held in conjunction with the award. The three finalist\, their coaches and the JBI staff work with over 100 campers each year. \nJust Block It was founded in 1985 and has helped thousands of catchers. \nHigh School Softball – $135\nDec 28\nCheck-In Wednesday 12:30\nCamp Wednesday 1-5pm \nRegister at \nFeatured camp instructors include: Mike Gehrer\, Founder Just Block It Craig Mayes\, Michigan State\, All Big Ten \nJust Block it is proud to announce that Mike Viramontez\, the Oklahoma State Softball catching coach\, will be working the Wichita Camps. We look forward to seeing you over the Christmas break. URL: LOCATION:Hoover Field\, 2250 N Hoover Rd\, Wichita\, KS\, 67205\, United States CATEGORIES:Camps END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20161228T083000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20161228T120000 DTSTAMP:20250312T190454 CREATED:20161202T005605Z LAST-MODIFIED:20161202T011037Z SUMMARY:JUST BLOCK IT CATCHERS CAMP YOUTH SOFTBALL DESCRIPTION:The Johnny Bench Award was created in 2000 to honor college baseball’s top division one catcher. The award is administered by the Greater Wichita Area Sports Commission and presented after the conclusion of the College World Series. Former Cincinnati catcher Johnny Bench\, who by some is considered to be the best defensive catcher in baseball history\, agreed to be the namesake for the annual award. \nCoach Gehrer and his Just Block It staff host the annual catchers clinic held in conjunction with the award. The three finalist\, their coaches and the JBI staff work with over 100 campers each year. \nJust Block It was founded in 1985 and has helped thousands of catchers. \nYouth Softball 9-14 – $105\nDec 28\nCheck-In Wednesday 8:30\nCamp Wednesday 9-Noon \nRegister at \nFeatured camp instructors include: Mike Gehrer\, Founder Just Block It Craig Mayes\, Michigan State\, All Big Ten \nJust Block it is proud to announce that Mike Viramontez\, the Oklahoma State Softball catching coach\, will be working the Wichita Camps. We look forward to seeing you over the Christmas break. URL: LOCATION:Hoover Field\, 2250 N Hoover Rd\, Wichita\, KS\, 67205\, United States CATEGORIES:Camps END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20161208T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20161208T210000 DTSTAMP:20250312T190454 CREATED:20161116T021026Z LAST-MODIFIED:20161116T021026Z SUMMARY:Hoover Field presents Brent Kemnitz DESCRIPTION:Hoover Field is excited to host Brent Kemnitz: \nBrent has an unbelievable amount of knowledge he has gained over his very successful coaching career. He is willing to share some of this thoughts with you. He will give a 40-minute motivational presentation over different baseball/softball topics and coaches will have an opportunity for a Question & Answer session directly following his presentation. Great opportunity for coaches getting ready for the upcoming season. \nBaseball & Softball Coaches of all ages are invited to attend. \nThere is no cost to this event. URL: LOCATION:Hoover Field\, 2250 N Hoover Rd\, Wichita\, KS\, 67205\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20161207T200000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20161207T213000 DTSTAMP:20250312T190454 CREATED:20161101T221210Z LAST-MODIFIED:20161101T221236Z SUMMARY:Baseball/Softball Winter Pre-Season Workouts DESCRIPTION:Hoover Field is excited to provide a Winter Pre-Season Workout Package: \nGet a head start on the high school season!! \nSession #1 Baseball: Wednesdays and Sundays (18 Workouts Dec. – Feb.)\nWednesday 8:00pm – 9:30pm\nSunday 8:00pm – 9:30pm \n–December – 7\,11\,14\,18\,21\n–January – 11\,15\,18\,22\,25\,29\n–February – 1\,5\,8\,12\,15\,19\,22 \nSession #2 Softball: Mondays and Thursdays (18 Workouts Dec. – Feb.)\nMonday 8:00pm – 9:30pm\nThursday 8:00pm – 9:30pm \n–December – 8\,12\,15\,19\,22\n–January – 12\,16\,19\,23\,26\,30\n–February – 2\,6\,9\,13\,16\,20\,23 \nHitting – Fundamental Work / Pitching – Flat Ground Work / Throwing – Get arm in shape!\nInfield/Outfield – Fundamental Work \nCOST\n$295 per person \nFor More Information or to Register contact Rocky Helm or Jared Luebbe at Hoover Field 316-722-2165.- URL: LOCATION:Hoover Field\, 2250 N Hoover Rd\, Wichita\, KS\, 67205\, United States CATEGORIES:Camps END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161030 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20161031 DTSTAMP:20250312T190454 CREATED:20160922T204556Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160922T211931Z SUMMARY:Unsigned Senior Showcase DESCRIPTION:This event is open to all uncommitted Missouri and Kansas High School players in the 2017. This event will be used to evaluate all unsigned players in the 2017 class. Each participant will have an online player profile\, detailed scouting report with video created and added to the website which is subscribed to by more than 500 college baseball programs. \nTIME:\nCheck-in for all Position Players:\n9:00 am – 9:20 am\nCheck-in for Pitchers\n12:00-12:520\n*Time subject to change. \nWHO:\nClass of 2017 \nINFIELDERS\, OUTFIELDERS and CATCHERS\n• Warm up/Stretch\n• Defense Evaluations\n• Running Times\n• Batting Practice on field \nPITCHERS\n• Warm up/Stretch\n• Pitchers Bullpens\n• Catchers Evaluations during bullpens \nFEE:\n$175 for Pitcher-Only\n$190 for Position Player\n$250 for Two-Way Players \nRegistration includes:\n• Personal online video of performance at\n• Online player profile with scouting report\n• Numbered Under Armour Jersey \nEXPOSURE:\nAll event information will be prominently featured on the Prep Baseball Report’s website\, which is subscribed to by more than 400 colleges and pro scouts.The top prospects from the event will be identified and ranked. Player’s performances will be available to college recruiters with video\, times and velocities. \nRegister at URL: LOCATION:Hoover Field\, 2250 N Hoover Rd\, Wichita\, KS\, 67205\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20160924T103000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20160924T164500 DTSTAMP:20250312T190454 CREATED:20160531T205517Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160531T205911Z SUMMARY:The Packaged Deal DESCRIPTION:Hoover Field is excited to host “The Packaged Deal” Softball Camp: \nPitch 10:30-11:45; \nCatch 12:00-1:15; \nFree Arm Care 1:30-1:45; \nDefense & Agility 2:00-3:15; \nHit 3:30-4:45; \nCoach observe all day. \nRegister online at URL: LOCATION:Hoover Field\, 2250 N Hoover Rd\, Wichita\, KS\, 67205\, United States CATEGORIES:Camps END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20160821T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20160821T160000 DTSTAMP:20250312T190454 CREATED:20160810T222331Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160810T222331Z SUMMARY:Open House DESCRIPTION:Come tour our facility. Open House Sunday\, August 21 from 1-4PM. Wichita’s largest indoor baseball/softball facility. Register to win a FREE practice. URL: LOCATION:Hoover Field\, 2250 N Hoover Rd\, Wichita\, KS\, 67205\, United States END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR